Why We Don’t Have Good Leaders Who Last, Part 5

A long-time minister, who is now a vice-president of a parachurch organization, was recently asked about his observations on leadership. He said it’s surprising how many leaders are insecure. This is a very astute observation. Over the years I’ve seen ministers passionately pursue items that give them security: money, image, attendance, buildings, and so on. Yet they disguise it with Bible verses such as Phil 4:19, “And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Why are so many leaders insecure?

Dr. Lawrence Crabb in his book Effective Biblical Counseling says a person’s most basic need is a sense of personal worth, an acceptance of one’s self as a whole, real person. There is a need to feel that one’s life is valuable, that it counts, and that it really matters for something.

There are two ways a person gains this. The first is through security – the understanding of being unconditionally accepted. One needs to feel totally loved without conditions, with the ability to freely love in return. The second is through significance – the understanding of one’s purpose, meaningfulness, and impact. One needs to feel that they are put on earth for a reason.

Here’s the great news. Both of these are ultimately found in God. God gives us security by accepting us unconditionally. Dr. Michael Palompo, in his book God Things, says we were accepted by God before we were even acceptable. God also gives us significance by creating us with a purpose. Eph. 2:10 says we are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand so that we may walk in them.

Here is what it looks like:


But here is something I’ve discovered as I talk with leaders. Many of them do not ultimately find their security and significance in Jesus. Many will find their security in a relationship, such as a spouse, or a boyfriend/girlfriend, or through their peers or congregation. But you take those relationships away (such as the passing of a spouse or a breakup of a boyfriend/girlfriend) and their world collapses.

I’ve also seen leaders find their significance in a job or ministry, image, awards and achievements, material things, or status. But if they are fired, or something valuable is stolen or taken away, or are demoted, they spiral into depression.

Here’s what happens. When a believer does not find their security and significance in God, they actually become INsecure and focus on things that are INsignificant. Wow!


How do leaders end up in this situation? Part of the reason is that the leader did not develop naturally as a disciple first. They were put in a position of leadership before they were ready. They did not deal with the baggage in the past and thus brought them into the future. This is the benefit of a discipleship process and should be incorporated into any discipleship program/curriculum/class. Teach people that their security and significance are ultimately found in God, and God alone. It’s not God plus something else. It’s God period.

If we can teach disciples that their security and significance are found in God they will be well on their way towards healthy leadership.

Questions to Think About:
Although most Christians will say they find their security and significance in God, would you be alright if God took away your most important relationships or most important possessions? Be careful how you answer, this is a very dangerous question.
What can you do help those you influence to find their security and significance in God and God alone?

© Gary Lau 2013
All rights reserved. This article may not be distributed, forwarded or duplicated without prior permission from the author.






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